
PlugIns JdbcSlim UserGuide 4TheMappingBetweenTestDataAndCommands

The SQL Commands Insert, Update and Delete return no normal output.
Instead they return the number of rows inserted, updated or deleted in a column called: Count

SQLCommand TestDatabase insert into TestData values (DEFAULT, '%Name%', '%Phone%', '%City%', '%Profession%') dbgetgeneratedkeys
SCOPE_IDENTITY()? City Name Phone Profession Count?
$ID1= Berlin Boby 12345 Doctor 1
$ID2= Denver Bob 6789 Artist 1
$ID3= Sydney Bob 6789 Artist 1

SQLCommand TestDatabase update TestData set City='%NewCITY%' where ID ='%ID%'
ID NewCITY Count?
$ID1 HongKong 1
$ID2 Tokyo 1

By defining the property DbUpdateCount a different column name can be defined.

Define Properties UpdateDatabase
key value
.include TestDatabase
DbUpdateCount HowManyUpdates

SQLCommand UpdateDatabase update TestData set City='%NewCITY%' where NAME like'%Name%'
Name NewCITY HowManyUpdates?
Bob% HongKong 3

SQLCommand TestDatabase delete TestData where ID >='%ID%'
ID Count?
$ID1 3
$ID2 0
