
PlugIns JdbcSlim UserGuide 4TheMappingBetweenTestDataAndCommands InsertUpdateDelete

Some jdbc driver support multiple commands separated with ; in a single execution.
It would be nice to be able to do a combination of select and update statements

*select - to see the current status
*update - to modify data
*select - to validate the new status

To avoid side effects we execute the test in a transaction

Script SQLCommand TransactionDatabase
open Connection
execute begin transaction

Define Properties SelectChain
key value
.include TransactionDatabase
CMD select City as OldCity from TestData where ID ='%ID%'; update TestData set City='%NewCITY%' where ID ='%ID%'; select City as FinalCity from TestData where ID ='%ID%'

SQLCommand SelectChain
ID OldCity? NewCITY FinalCity? Count?
6 London +Prag+ +Prag+ 1

Verify all updates

SQLCommand SelectChain select * from TestData Query SUBQUERY
ID< Name Phone City Profession
6 James 5432 +Prag+ Butler

Rollback the change to not impact future tests

Script SQLCommand TransactionDatabase
open Connection
execute rollback
close Connection

Check that the rollback worked

SQLCommand StartupDatabase select * from TestData Query
ID Name Phone City Profession
1 Bill 12345 Berlin Doctor
2 Ben 6789 Denver Artist
3 Tom 4567890 Seoul Milkman
4 Till 332211 Berlin Senator
5 Sarah 999999 Paris Hero
6 James 5432 London Butler
7 Bert 432 Washington President
8 Kim 1 New York Banker