
PlugIns JdbcSlim UserGuide

To configure a JDBC connection 4 parameters are required:

* JDBC Class
* URL to the database
* login of a database user
* password of the database user

These 4 values can either be stored in a configuration file or on a wiki page inside a Define Properties fixture.
For the examples used in this manual the configuration looks as below:

Define Properties DatabaseSetup
key value
jdbcDriver org.relique.jdbc.csv.CsvDriver
DBURL jdbc:relique:csv:./plugins/jdbcslim/TestDB/

DatabaseSetup is the name of the configuration and is passed as the first parameter to the SQLCommand.
key and value are the header line. Below these lines the actual configuration starts.

The SQL code can also be stored in the configuration. The key is CMD. Below is again an example:

Define Properties FindTestUserIDs
key value
.include DatabaseSetup
cmd select ID, NAME from TestData where Name ='%NAME%'

Further make sure that the java classpath of the slim client contains the jar with the JDBC class.

Further features of the configuration are described here: