
PlugIns JdbcSlim UserGuide 3HowtoConfigureTheDatabaseConnection

If your application under test already creates a database connection and you want or must use it also in FitNesse tests than this can be done.
You might also want to use this feature if your connection would require further parameters.

Just create an object from java.sql.Connection via a FitNesse Script and assign it to a FitNesse Symbol.
than call addConnection from SQLCommand in a script and give the connection a name.
Use this name in future SQL configurations as DBConnection and your connection object will be used.

Remember to close the connection once it is not required any more.

Define Properties Dummy
key value

# Your code here to create a Connection Object
start SQLCommand Dummy
$Cnn= testHomeMadeConnection; jdbc:h2:mem:h2db;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1 na na
# Now add the connection symbol to be able to use it
addConnection; ConnectionName $Cnn

Define Properties UseHomeMadeConnection
key value
DBConnection ConnectionName

SQLCommand UseHomeMadeConnection select ID, NAME from TestData where Name ='%NAME%'
2 Ben
5 Sarah

Close the connection and remove it from the list of available connections

Script: SQLCommand UseHomeMadeConnection
removeConnection ConnectionName