
PlugIns JdbcSlim UserGuide 6OutputOptions

The below only applies to commands without any input values. Only these can return more than one row.

The SQL code should sort the result set so that it matches the expected values. If this is not possible as it is the output of a stored procedure the fixture can sort the actual result set. Expected values are never sorted. You have to provide them already in the order you expect them.

Use the symbol < to sort ascending and > to sort descending. Add this symbol to the end of the column name in the header. Finally add the keyword SORT as third parameter to the SQL command. Or add SORT as a key into a configuration property.

SQL Query sorted ascending on ID

SQLCommand TestDatabase select ID,Name from TestData where ID in('3','5') SORT
3 Tom
5 Sarah

SQL Query sorted descending on ID

SQLCommand TestDatabase select ID, Name from TestData where ID in('3','5') SORT
5 Sarah
3 Tom

SQL Query sorted descending on Name

SQLCommand TestDatabase select ID,Name from TestData where Name in('Tom','Sarah') SORT
3 Tom
5 Sarah

SQL Query sorted first descending on City and second ascending on Name
adding the QUERY tag allows to omit the question mark at each header column name.

SQLCommand TestDatabase select * from TestData SORT QUERY
ID City> Name< Phone Profession
7 Washington Bert 432 President
3 Seoul Tom 4567890 Milkman
5 Paris Sarah 999999 Hero
8 New York Kim 1 Banker
6 London James #null# Butler
2 Denver Ben 6789 Artist
1 Berlin Bill 12345 Doctor
4 Berlin Till 332211 Senator
