
PlugIns JdbcSlim UserGuide 4TheMappingBetweenTestDataAndCommands


To avoid side effects we execute the test in a transaction

Script SQLCommand TransactionDatabase
open Connection
execute begin transaction

Calling a SP/function with select

Define Properties StoredProcedures
key value
.include TransactionDatabase
CMD select SQRT(%No%) as root

SQLCommand StoredProcedures
No root?
16 4.0
64 8.0

Rollback the change to not impact future tests

Script SQLCommand TransactionDatabase
open Connection
execute rollback
close Connection

Check that the rollback worked

SQLCommand StartupDatabase select * from TestData Query
ID Name Phone City Profession
1 Bill 12345 Berlin Doctor
2 Ben 6789 Denver Artist
3 Tom 4567890 Seoul Milkman
4 Till 332211 Berlin Senator
5 Sarah 999999 Paris Hero
6 James #null# London Butler
7 Bert 432 Washington President
8 Kim 1 New York Banker