
PlugIns JdbcSlim UserGuide 2KeyBenefits

To prepare business data often more than one table must be updated or data inserted into multiple tables.
But for a business user this is often not important. Having said that the requirements should hide this technical detail.

This can be done with Jdbc Slim.

The technical implementation is moved into a Start Up and Tear Down page:

Included page: >SqlStartUp

The Scenario with two execute statements

Scenario Get The Name name and phone number phone for id id
execute select Name from TestData where ID = '@id'
show success
show rawResult
show resultSheet
$name= getColumnValueByName NAME
execute select * from TestData where ID = '@id'
show success
show rawResult
show resultSheet
$phone= getColumnValueByName Phone

Define connection details and open a connection

Define Properties ScriptDatabase
key value
.include TestDatabase
cmd select * from TestData

Script SQLCommand ScriptDatabase

The business defines the requirements in a table

Get the name and phone number for id
id name? phone?
2 Ben >0
4 Till >100
3 Tom >10
2 =~/Be/ >5

Included page: >SqlTearDown

Close the connection


See also: 7UsingSqlInScriptsAndScenarios
